Monday, September 22, 2014

4th Graders,

     You are about to embark on something that will be new, challenging, exciting, and extremely rewarding.  You must try your best to stick it out and, I promise, you will be so happy that you did.

Happy Reading!


September 19, 2014

Now I am going to tell you about One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia.  This in an award-winning historical fiction book about three sisters named Vonetta, Fern, and Delphine.  The book takes place in the late 1960's and the three sisters are traveling to California to spend the summer with their mother who they really don't know.  If you like stories with a little history and strong characters who can handle adversity, then you should try this book.

September 22, 2014

Today I gave all of you your 40 Book Challenge log sheets.  I hope you are as excited as I am about taking on this challenge.  This weekend I finished a really great realistic fiction chapter book called Becoming Naomi Leon.  I loved this book because the characters are everyday people who have life challenges.  I like reading about people who can take the lemons that life has handed them, and turn them into lemonade.  I also liked this book because it touches your heart and helps to give you perspective.  What I mean by this is that by reading about how the main character faces adversity and hard times helps me to better see how lucky I am.